Pslam 127: 3
Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him.
Gabriel is 6 months old! He loves to stand and work on his balance - and gives us big smiles when he does!
Gabriel is 6 months old! He loves to stand and work on his balance - and gives us big smiles when he does!
He can now sit alone and reach for toys and back up again. He still hates tummy time - but now even more because he'd rather sit and stand. Drooling is a standard feature in our house now. With two bottom teeth already in, he is working on two top teeth as well. Anytime now they will be popping through.
He gets more and more interested in everything now - grasping for everything and anything that is within his reach. I have to be extra careful with what I hold him close to :-) Pictures on the fridge, plates on the table, my hair...always my hair.
He also loves to pat things - the table, the couch, the piano, etc. It's amazing to watch him as he explores his world and learns new things everyday. I'm so thankful for digital cameras because I can't stop taking pictures and videos of him.