Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gabriel - Nine month portraits and more!

At 9 months Gabriel crawls, pulls up, waves, claps, and babbles. He does a lot of shrieking and grunting as well! He can say "mama", "ball", and "up" too. If he would perform on command I would put up a video of it but since he won't you'll have to take my word for it. :-)

Lately he has been very interested in anything that we eat. We've added small pieces of bread and crackers to his veggie/fruit diet. Along with his organic fruit puffs he now eats sweet potatoes, green beans, brown rice, squash, avocados, yogurt, mangoes, peaches, and bananas. But his favorite is the bread, crackers, and puffs.

He continues to be highly entertained by his big sister and wants to play with all of her toys and eat her books!

Happy 9 month birthday to my sweet boy!

I'm including some fun other pictures of him too - here is his first teething cookie

Start 'em young....

Loves anything that crinkles, rattles, bangs, etc.

The first picture is when I first found him sitting up in his bed just before Christmas and then the second one is Christmas morning!

Ready for barn chores! He's playing with a feed scoop :-)

1 comment:

  1. This little one has the happiest smile. It just lights up everything around him!
