Saturday, May 2, 2009

Gabriel is 4 weeks old

Gabriel is now 4 weeks old - I can't believe how fast the time has gone!  I have even had to put away some of his clothes that he has already grown out of!  He is also now in size 1 diapers.  They are still a little bit too big for him but the newborn size was pinching his little legs.  He is such a big boy - with an unofficial weight of 11 pounds 13 ounces.  This is from standing on the scale with him and then without him and substracting..... Maybe not too accurate but it gives me an idea and lets me know that he is growing well.  We are still working on putting him on a schedule using the eat/play/sleep method.  He has been doing better the last few days going up to 3 and 3 1/2 hours between feedings.  He still sleeps a lot - as the pictures show :-) - but when he is awake he has been more alert and loves to look out the window, watch the ceiling fan, and rock in our porch swing.  He still swallows air when he eats and tends to fuss and spit up but it seems to be getting better.  I just have to put him up on my shoulder and let him burp several times during feedings to help him out.  

We are so grateful to God for this bundle of joy and are amazed by him each and every day.  Here he is in his new bouncer!  It vibrates, sings, and even has a heartbeat setting - pretty neat.  He likes to watch the little toys that are hanging, especially the one that has a mirror on one side.

He has decided that he wants to be a tummy sleeper so we've been putting him down one his tummy during nap time.  He sleeps so well like that.  Although I'm not comfortable letting him sleep like that at night when I can't check on him as often..... since I'm sleeping too.
Here he is awake!  Eating Mr. Cow :-)

This is actually a younger picture of him when my mom was still here - holding him, he found his thumb and fell asleep!  He's about 2 weeks old.

1 comment:

  1. He keeps getting cuter and cuter, doesn't he? :)I really like your blog and am glad that I can keep up with you guys better now with FB and the blog. Keep it up!! Talk to you soon and tell everyone I said hello!
