Friday, April 10, 2009

Here are some more pictures of Gabriel and the family..... we haven't ventured out much except for the front yard during the warm days.  Each day has been flying by and I don't always know what day it is :-) but we are just enjoying our time with Gabriel and watching Hannah become more comfortable with him.  The last couple nights have been much better since Gabriel has only been awake to eat and then goes right back to sleep.  Naps for me are still coveted and of course Hannah our star sleeper has been taking almost 3 hour naps each day! She has always slept well and our hope is that Gabriel takes after her in that sense.
First family of four picture!
Enjoying a warm and sunny day on the porch with Gabriel
Grandma, Gabriel, and Hannah
Grandpa and Gabriel

Grandma and Gabriel


  1. I love all the pics! Amy you look great! Looks like you already lost all your baby weight! I still have a definite pudge!!! :( Glad to see things are going well! Love ya girl!

  2. Congratulations to you & James, and to your Mom & Dad. Was great to see their photos enjoying the time with your sweet little Hannah.
