Friday, January 29, 2010

More Snow!

The weather predicted for yesterday and today was ICE, ICE, ICE - with a little snow. So, we prepared for the worst, praying that He would protect our powerlines.... And He did and has! We did get a lot of ice but not as much as predicted. Around 9 this morning it starting snowing and it's still coming down (it's 5:30!). We bundled up and took out our new $11 sled and had the BEST time ever! The hill behind the garage was perfect for it.

Papa and Hannah

Gabriel's first sled ride!!!

James decided to try the steeper hill behind the barn. It wasn't as bad as he was expecting. :-)

The view of the house from the barn

Here are our 12 week old chicks. We moved the coops out of the barn a week ago. They are all cozy under the heat lamps...

Reisling ventured out of his shed to see us but didn't spend much time out - he headed right back in!

This picture shows the ice on the fence that we got before the snow - everything is covered with it.

Porsha peeked but wasn't coming out any farther! Here is CC looking for some attention. Misty was too busy with her hay to grace us with her profile for a picture. :-)

The dogs ran too fast through the snow for us to get any good pictures :-) Coming back in we all had a big mug of hot chocolate - mint, vanilla, and dark chocolate and watched Veggietales with the kids. What a wonderful day and great surprise - thinking the worse weather and ending up with lots of playtime and a warm house to come back to. We are thanking God for all His blessings, especially the unexpected ones. We are continuing to pray for the power to stay on through the rest of the "winter weather". Hope you enjoy the pictures! It's now time to go back out and do evening barn chores!


  1. WOW! I love all the pics and especially the videos! SOOOO FUN! And YES I am so jealous! I just loved hearing Hannah's laugh in the background of all the videos! You will always treasure those! I wish we could get some of that wintery weather down here! Enjoy it for us Allens! Love yall!

  2. What fun!!! I wish we could have been out there with you...Reminded me of sledding down the hill behind Grandpa and Grandma Eastty's house, on the mattress...
