Saturday, October 10, 2009

2009 Tulsa State Fair

On Friday, Oct 9th we packed up the kids and headed to the Tulsa State Fair. It's actually the first for all of us. There were huge thunderstorms the night before and sprinkles in the early morning but the forecast promised clouds, a bit of wind, high of 54, but no rain.... We decided to chance it!

I had bought a "Sit and Stand" stroller with gift cards before Gabriel was born but haven't had the chance to use it so today we got to break it in and it was great. Gabriel sits in front and the back has a seat for Hannah to ride backwards or a step for her to look frontwards. She took advantage of both ways during the day. So here they are all bundled up against the Oklahoma wind.

A fun part for Hannah was the petting zoo. They had the normal farm animals there - goats, donkeys, sheep, rabbits, pigs, etc. but they had a great variety of exotics as well. She's by the pot bellied pig and babies, feeding the goats, and checking out the Cavys. Which to me look like an odd mixture between a rabbit and a small kangaroo... but that's just my opinion! The funny part about the petting zoo was that Hannah wanted to feed the goats more than any other animal... and she feeds goats everyday at home!

Hannah loves carousels so James took her on a ride. She had already picked out the "reindeer" before getting on. She had a great time and Gabriel was enthralled with the movement and music as we watched on from the sidelines and took pictures.

What is a fair without a funnel cake?! The only thing that Hannah didn't like about it was that the wind kept blowing powdered sugar on her at each bite!

Here we are waiting for the dog show to start - had Gabriel all bundled and he was quite happy. There was so much for him to see that he was entertained all day. He never napped and only fussed at one point when he was getting hungry.

Here is "Vegas" catching frisbees and having a great time!

We had a great time even with the cold wind. Both Hannah and Gabriel fell asleep in the car on the way home and I would have too if I hadn't been driving :-) Looking forward to next year's fair!


  1. Ahhh I love the pics! Your children are beautiful!! You are absolutely blessed! We love yall!
