Thursday, February 10, 2011

*Update* Snowy days...

We got snow again Tuesday night and Wednesday morning - it was hard to tell how much because of the snow drifts.  It was 4 inches in one part of the yard and 12 in another! It was lovely snow too - pure white, covering the footprints and mud that had been churned up by the horse's hooves.  A white, sparkling blanket as the sun shone Wednesday afternoon and all day today.  Although today's temperature started at -13! These last 2 weeks have been bitterly cold and Mama had to get ultra-creative!

The making of hot chocolate...

 And the enjoying of....

Packing paper - turned into art work

"sticky hands" toys.... (Papa's idea!) they stick really well to paper and balloons!

More balloons!!
Hannah didn't sit still enough for a picture, they came out more blurry than this one :-)

Here is my first attempt at making a balloon dog - James said it looks more like a giraffe....

Playing with new "color and shape sorter" I got this for him to play with while I work with Hannah on her reading....

Also, making Grandpa his birthday cards...yes Grandpa they will be on their way once the mail service starts again! (Apparently there is too much snow for them to come....) But no pictures because you'll have to wait until they come in the mail :-)

During the "warmest" parts of the day - usually after attempted naps, we bundle up and head outside to play and feed all the barn critters.  Last year we got a red, plastic sled and that sled has been the best investment ever! Today I sat both kids on it and "slid" them down the driveway.

 Advantage #106 to living in the country....

All the highways are clear but our country dirt roads are just hard packed snow.  So I made many, many, (whew!) many, trips up and down that snow-packed road.  "Down" the road is literally down-hill and was Hannah and Gabriel's favorite part.  I would run so that they "go faster mama!" Only once did they tip over into a big snow drift!  We played outside until Papa got home!

Here is a random picture of our pond! The water is normally from the near side of the short reeds to the back side of the far reeds - it's all covered in snow except for the very middle.  The horses took a little walk across it - I didn't see which one (probably the pony!) I'm sure glad the ice held!

Peanut butter and honey on homemade whole wheat bread, with organic apple slices, and homemade hot chocolate for dinner! Now they are tucked snuggly in bed after many books.  I am about to go find my bed, pillows, and blankets - getting myself ready to do everything all over again tomorrow! Yay for Fridays and for half workdays for Papa!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Blizzard of the Century.....February 2011

And the snow came! Friday we were sweating and Tuesday we were snuggled in the house trying to stay warm and avoiding the 40 mph winds, watching it snow sideways.  When James went to feed the animals he found that the snow had blown over the top of the doors and inside.  The animals we all safe and warm though.


I didn't get a video of the first time we let the horses out - it was much more entertaining, but here they are enjoying the snow and the sun.

Xander was quite surprised at the snow that morning!

Here is James after doing "burpees" with pushups in the snow - He's just a silly man :-)

We used to have 3 steps off the porch.... 

snow drifts by the garage....

SLEDDING - day 1!

snow angels!

My hard working man clearing the porch!

Hannah drew a whale in the snow and then made another angel

What a good big sister!

Making snow ice cream!
sweetened condensed milk
mix and enjoy!

A big hit!


Xander is waiting patiently for a taste

 eating snow :-)

 Finally able to make a snowman on Saturday.  The snow melted just enough to pack better than the previous days. 

2nd day of sledding!

Hannah went down the big hill all by herself! A big accomplishment for her - we are very proud!

And yes, that is James trying to ride a goat :-) Cabin fever can make you get very creative at times...ha!

Gabriel couldn't get enough of sledding!

Gabriel discovered that he likes to eat snow...

I just love these pictures of the kids together.  It gets harder all the time to get a good picture of them at the same time!

After playing outside we had a picnic lunch....on the coffee table and in the laundry basket, like I said we are getting creative!

I hope that everyone else is staying warm and having fun with this winter wonderland! We are truly thankful to God that our power held up through the winds and cold temps.  We enjoyed several days as a family with James staying home from work.  This will definitely be a February that we remember.  They are forecasting more snow for next week too.....